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As I stated in the last update the Book,
WILL begin printing this month, June 2009 and I will have and begin signing, numbering and shipping the copies to those who ordered a signed/numbered copy THIS month, June 2009.
As for the process inwhich Barnes and Noble goes through in ordering books I cannot tell you at this point. I will tell you that Barnes and Noble has not once listed information correctly as is listed by Books In Print or Bowker Indentifiers.
I will receive the copies ordered directly from the printer when printing begins shortly and when that starts I will post it here for all to see as well as on the company web site at .
Once printing begins I will then post a link on the Company web site where the book can be ordered directly through Sinclair Publishing, Inc for anyone wanting to do so.
Again, let me make it clear, printing of the book WILL begin this month as will shipping of those signed/numbered copies ordered through this blog.

Copyright 2009 by Larry Sinclair/ and Larry All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]


[Source: News Coverage]


[Source: Cnn News]


[Source: Home News]

posted by 71353 @ 9:08 PM, ,

Set Your DVR

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Howard Kurtz previews a two-part prime-time series -- Inside the Obama White House -- airing on NBC tomorrow and Wednesday "that so far has produced 150 hours of tape.

Said host Brian Williams: "There's stuff we've never seen of how the White House operates. We were pretty stunned at how much we were able to record and how natural events seemed to be."

Set Your DVR

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Set Your DVR

[Source: Mexico News]

Set Your DVR

[Source: Television News]

posted by 71353 @ 4:04 PM, ,

5 Reasons Alabama Should Elect Roy Moore, the 10 Commandments Judge, Governator of Alabama

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Moore is the judge who refused to remove a colossal hunk of rock with the Ten Commandments on them, resulting in a fine from the very court he swore to serve.

Steve Gordon lays out the case for Moore in tongue-in-cheek fashion. They include national media exposure ("we can be sure that Alabama will be highlighted on a daily basis on programs like The Tonight Show, The Daily Show and Bullshit!. We'll also be helping the national economy, as sites like The Onion and Wonkette will have to hire additional writers to keep up with us.") and increasing religious diversity ("With respect to religion, Alabama is one of the least diverse places I've been.  The institution of the worship of idols made out of stone will go a long way to re-establish our primal pagan [and pre-Ten Commandments] values.")

More, including Moore's theocratic beliefs on the gays and the gambling, here.

5 Reasons Alabama Should Elect Roy Moore, the 10 Commandments Judge, Governator of Alabama

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

5 Reasons Alabama Should Elect Roy Moore, the 10 Commandments Judge, Governator of Alabama

[Source: World News]

5 Reasons Alabama Should Elect Roy Moore, the 10 Commandments Judge, Governator of Alabama

[Source: La News]

posted by 71353 @ 3:55 PM, ,

Obama On LGBT Pride Month

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A presidential proclamation marking Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month.

Available in full after the jump.

Obama On LGBT Pride Month

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Obama On LGBT Pride Month

[Source: News]

Obama On LGBT Pride Month

[Source: 11 Alive News]

Obama On LGBT Pride Month

[Source: Television News]

posted by 71353 @ 10:58 AM, ,

Sotomayor's Porn Trial

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McClatchy's Mike Doyle digs up Farrell v. Burke, a case from 2006 involving a sex offender who had violated his parole by purchasing porn. The salacious details, including Sotomayor reading excerpts from Scum: True Homosexual Experiences, are here. (Unfortunately for the culture warriors, she ultimately sided with the state.) Doyle also highlights this classic exchange between the sex offender's attorney and parole officer:

MR. NATHANSON: Are you saying, for example, that that condition of parole would prohibit Mr. Farrell from possessing, say, Playboy magazine?

P.O. BURKE: Yes.

MR. NATHANSON: Are you saying that that condition of parole would prohibit Mr. Farrell from possessing a photograph of Michelangelo['s] David?

P.O. BURKE: What is that?

MR. NATHANSON: Are you familiar with that sculpture?


MR. NATHANSON: If I tell you it's a large sculpture of a nude youth with his genitals exposed and visible, does that help to refresh your memory of what that is?

P.O. BURKE: If he possessed that, yes, he would be locked up for that.

Sotomayor's Porn Trial

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Sotomayor's Porn Trial

[Source: Advertising News]

Sotomayor's Porn Trial

[Source: Sun News]

posted by 71353 @ 10:10 AM, ,

Experts to Analyze Current Public Opinion on Immigration Reform; How Does the American Public Feel About Immigration Reform in a

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Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 2, leading pollsters and political experts have scheduled a teleconference to discuss the findings and implications of a series of recent polls and focus groups on immigration reform. Pollsters Pete Brodnitz of Benenson Strategy Group and Celinda Lake of Lake Research Partners will join immigration and political experts Simon Rosenberg, President, NDN, and Frank Sharry, Executive Director, America's Voice, on a teleconference call to analyze American voters' attitudes toward tackling comprehesive immigration reform this year.

Tomorrow's teleconference call comes in advance of President Barack Obama's June 8 meeting with congresional leaders to discuss immigration reform. Meanwhile, as the research from Benenson Strategy Group and Lake Research Partners shows, the American people want a solution to the nation's broken immigration system, even during a down economy, and are frustrated with Washington's inaction and want policymakers to tackle this critical issue.

The conference call is scheduled for 11 a.m. ET tomorrow. The dial-in number is 800-862-9098. The passcode is 7REFORM.

Experts to Analyze Current Public Opinion on Immigration Reform; How Does the American Public Feel About Immigration Reform in a

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Experts to Analyze Current Public Opinion on Immigration Reform; How Does the American Public Feel About Immigration Reform in a

[Source: Abc 7 News]

Experts to Analyze Current Public Opinion on Immigration Reform; How Does the American Public Feel About Immigration Reform in a

[Source: China News]

Experts to Analyze Current Public Opinion on Immigration Reform; How Does the American Public Feel About Immigration Reform in a

[Source: News 2]

posted by 71353 @ 9:11 AM, ,

Review: Corked

I had the pleasure of seeing an independent film named �SCorked,⬝ a movie that satirizes the pomposity and smugness of the culture of Sonoma Wine Country.

As somebody who does not drink alcohol, does not go to independent films, and does not drive my car outside the West side of Los Angeles (it�"s an old car), I forayed into Downtown LA to watch a �Smockumentary�S where adult beverages were served.

I will spare you the elitist, flowery rhetoric about how it pops out of the bottle with energy and flows smoothly until the viewing palate is pleased. I remember seeing a commercial where wine tasters exclaimed, �SSplendid clarity. Excellent Nose.⬝ I wanted to smack these people, and also wanted to know if Hollywood celebrities could have a form of rhinoplasty that would enhance their wine drinking sensation.

In pure, non-aristocratic terms, this movie is funny. It is very funny. Try to picture Eugene Levy in �SBest in Show⬝ mating with Jane Wyman in �SFalcon Crest.⬝ (Please think of this in a G-rated manner. Ms. Wyman was Mrs. Ronald Reagan for heaven�"s sake.)

This movie skewers the arrogance behind wine tasting. While it is not overtly political, it absolutely lacerates wine snobs, with politically incorrect humor that would please anybody with a pulse, much less a palate.

Virtually none of the characters have redeeming qualities. One wine honcho wears a tuxedo to the vineyards, while failing to understand why the Mexican workers dislike him. Another wine owner runs a one-man operation, falling asleep on the job from exhaustion. Another wine top dog is the son of a Texas billionaire who just wants his son to stay out of trouble. The marketing team are condescending racists trying to market wine to minorities.

Everybody in wine country wants to please Mr. Parsons, a tuxedo-sporting wine aficionado and critic that makes the late Mr. Blackwell (Hollywood�"s worst dressed list) seem warm and fuzzy. Mr. Parsons decides who gets to win the �SGolden Harvest Award.⬝ The Golden Harvest Awards are very similar to the Oscars, in that virtually nobody outside the industry cares, but the narcissistic participants think that the fate of the free world hangs on their every move.

The brilliance behind Corked is producer Brian A. Hoffman. (Full disclosure: I know him. If I would have hated the movie I would have just kept my mouth shut.) The movie took him over three years to make, but on a shoe-string budget he has really hit one out of the ballpark. The characters are well fleshed out, and the dialogue is clever.

The movie should be watched twice, once just for laughs, and a second time for political junkies. At no time does a single political issue or politician get mentioned, but those who believe in political correctness get to have their beliefs stomped on like the sour grapes they spew. (For those who care about the rights of innocent fruits and vegetables, no actual grapes were harmed in the making of this movie.)

For those of you in Los Angeles, head down to the Downtown Independent Theater on 251 S. Main Street. The show is running there through June 11th. For everyone else, the Website spills all. To those who are too elitist to traipse into neighborhoods where commoners exist to watch lesser known actors, the solution is simple. Drop the pretenses, lighten up, have a drink, and go get Corked. You�"ll be glad you did.

eric aka the Tygrrrr Express

Review: Corked

[Source: Good Times Society]

posted by 71353 @ 7:41 AM, ,


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So John Cole has pretty much addressed this, but last week Jonathan Chait criticized me and others for referring to Jeffrey Rosen's piece on Sonia Sotomayor as "gossip".

"Gossip" is an effective label for those who wish to denigrate Rosen's reporting or the reputation of TNR, but it's an inaccurate one. Gossip is unverified information. Gossip is something you hear all the time--say, Senator X mistreats his staff. No serious publication can pass off gossip as reporting. However, if you actually speak with the principals firsthand--you interview staffers for Senator X who report that he mistreats them--then what you have is reporting. That's what Jeff did. He spoke first-hand with several of Sotomayor's former clerks, who provided a mixed picture. Unsurprisingly, they declined to put their names on the record, but that's utterly standard for people who are speaking in unflattering terms about people they worked with or for.

Chait is one of my favorite writers on the interwebs, but this is less than persuasive. A big publication printing gossip doesn't change the definition of gossip. The issue isn't that the information was "unverified" as in, no one told Rosen these things, it's that it was objectively unverifiable, as in, assertions about Sotomayor's intelligence are unprovable. Rosen, as a well-respected legal expert, could have made that argument himself in some form, but he didn't, possibly because he wanted to present it as an "unbiased" observation. But since the source is anonymous, there's no way to judge the individual's motivations or perspective. There's reason to give people anonymity under certain circumstances to relay unpleasant information about a colleague or a superior, but not when that information can't be verified. Anonymous, unverifiable information is gossip.

Most oddly, Chait suggests I, along with others have some sort of agenda against the New Republic. I can only speak for myself, but in my many posts on Sotomayor and Rosen, I didn't say anything about the New Republic except that to identify the publication Rosen had been writing in.?

-- A. Serwer


[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]


[Source: Circulation News]


[Source: Online News]


[Source: Abc 7 News]

posted by 71353 @ 5:51 AM, ,


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